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Application Spotlight: Solvent Recovery and Battery Liners

Posted by Clay Tyler on Jun 30, 2021 8:11:34 AM

Every so often, we like to take a detailed look at the applications for which our products are used. This installment will focus on solvent recovery applications during the production of battery products. In this post we’ll answer the questions:

  • What is solvent recovery?
  • How is solvent recovery used in battery liner production?
  • What role does heat transfer play in the process?

This is the second of a series of articles about battery power and its adjacent industries and processes. Check out the first post in the series - “Battery Storage Facility Cooling System Design.

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Topics: Coils, Efficiency, Expertise

What is a Coil Leak and How Are They Measured?

Posted by Ben Smith, CWI on Jun 28, 2021 9:38:23 AM

Nobody wants leaky coils. You don’t want to waste time and money on buying them and we certainly don’t want to be the one to sell them to you. The goal of this post is to define what a “leak” is from our perspective as a manufacturer and coil supplier. Rather than leaks in the field, this post focuses on what “leak” means in new equipment. To do so, we’ll look at:

  • How leaks are quantified
  • The testing methods and equipment used to diagnose them
  • How SRC's quality program addresses leaks


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Keeping Our People Safe: A Vaccination Success Story at SRC (video)

Posted by Rob Holt on May 20, 2021 12:11:55 PM

Adapting from life as business leaders to pandemic business leaders was among the most challenging tasks we’ve ever faced. I’m sure you’ve heard it many times, but it’s true – they really don’t teach you this stuff in business school – not exactly, at least. What they do teach, however, is operations and management, and that’s what the COVID-19 challenge has been: an operational challenge. Keeping our SRC family safe has always been and always will be our top priority. The pandemic would mean living up to that responsibility in a new, unfamiliar way.

We had to find a way to make SRC a safe place in a time of uncertainty. As an essential manufacturer, we also have a responsibility to provide equipment to our essential customers that count on us. We took both responsibilities very seriously. 

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Battery Storage Facility Cooling System Design

Posted by Will Klick, P.E. on Apr 20, 2021 3:49:59 PM

This is the first in a series of articles about battery power and its adjacent industries and processes. Check out our other post, "Application Spotlight: Solvent Recovery and Battery Liners."

Today, energy comes from a wide range of sources. The share of that collective power that comes from renewable energy sources continues to grow. In fact, in 2019, it was estimated that just under 20% of electricity generated at utility-scale electricity generation facilities in the United States was from renewable energy sources.[1]

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Topics: Computer & Electronics Cooling, HVAC, Coils, Engineering

Withstanding and Expanding at SRC Richmond

Posted by Super Radiator Coils on Apr 12, 2021 8:41:04 AM

Super Radiator Coils’ Richmond, Virginia division is expanding! We’ve shared a few updates on the subject on our LinkedIn page, but we wanted to provide a more detailed rundown for anyone interested. So, we sat down for a Q & A with our CEO, Rob Holt, to talk all things expansion: why we’re expanding, why now, and what it means for Super Radiator.

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R-1234ze: Pros, Cons & Comparisons to R-134a

Posted by Super Radiator Coils on Mar 26, 2021 8:59:30 AM

Our Refrigerant Focus series delves into the history, properties, suitable applications, and pros and cons of some of today’s popular or otherwise noteworthy refrigerants. This installment will focus on R-1234ze.

Check out some of our refrigerant focus posts below.

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Causes and Solutions to Frozen & Ruptured Fluid Coils

Posted by Daren Carlson on Mar 10, 2021 10:59:13 AM

Early 2021's deadly cold spell in Texas in and other areas of the South led to loss of power, water quality concerns for millions, and tragically, loss of life. Abnormal temperatures pushed all manner of equipment past its breaking point, and HVAC systems were hit hard.

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Topics: HVAC, Coils, Quality

What is an Economizer and How Does it Improve Efficiency?

Posted by Kenny Beach on Mar 2, 2021 9:00:17 AM

In industries like commercial and industrial HVAC, there’s an understandably massive focus on innovations aimed at improving efficiency. Billions of dollars are spent every year on research and development to drive down operating costs without compromising on performance. Doing more with less is the name of the game, and included among the measures intended to do so is the economizer.


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Topics: Power Generation, HVAC, Heat Exchangers, Efficiency, Engineering

The 4 Main Refrigeration Cycle Components

Posted by Super Radiator Coils on Feb 19, 2021 9:10:25 AM

We’ve all been there. You step inside on a hot day and are mercifully greeted with a wall of cool air. Well, you have the refrigeration cycle to thank for that relief. While there are dozens of methods of heating and cooling, the basic function is still the same and is used in some form across countless industries and processes. But how does it work? This post will answer that question by outlining the main components of a standard refrigeration loop and the functions of each.


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SRC Launches Validated R-449A & R-448A Condenser Performance Model

Posted by Dr. Jian Yu on Feb 11, 2021 8:59:27 AM

We’re super excited to announce that we’ve validated the performance ratings for R-449A and R-448A condensers in Enterprise, our coil selection software. We believe the condenser coil performance model we’ve developed is the most comprehensive and accurate of its kinds in the industry.

We wanted to use this post to briefly explain our testing methodology to our users. We’ll also touch on why performance modeling for these refrigerants has been challenging in the past, and how we plan to improve our model over time.

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Topics: Heat Exchangers, Efficiency, Expertise, Reliability, Engineering, Refrigerants