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Military-Grade Heat Exchangers

Durable. Effective. Compliant.

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Military Grade Coils

Durable. Effective. Compliant.

Let's talk about your project


Years of Supporting Military Customers


Branches of the Armed Forces Supported

New Project (26)


Military-Grade Coils Built Annually

Artboard 272-2

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If you're in need of a supplier of military-grade heat transfer equipment or looking for engineering support for military projects, get in touch with us. We'd love the opportunity to support your business.

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From Our Blog

Refrigerants Grouped by Temperature Range | Super Radiator Coils

Refrigerants Grouped by Temperature Range

Super Radiator Coils Jul 25, 2024 9:47:41 AM

When it comes to heat exchangers, there’s a host of decisions that are impacted by application-specific factors. One such choice is the heat exchanger’s working fluid. There are dozens if not hundreds of working fluids... Continue Reading

R-454B Performance vs. R-410A: Capacity & COP (WEBINAR CLIP) | Super Radiator Coils

R-454B Performance vs. R-410A: Capacity & COP (WEBINAR CLIP)

Super Radiator Coils Jun 12, 2024 3:42:54 PM

Capacity and coefficient of performance (COP) are both used to measure HVAC equipment's effectiveness, but they tell different stories. Capacity, measured in tonnage or Btu./hr., refers to a unit's ability to heat or... Continue Reading

Temperature Glide in Refrigerant Blends (WEBINAR CLIP) | Super Radiator Coils

Understanding Temperature Glide in Blended Refrigerants (WEBINAR CLIP)

Super Radiator Coils Jun 5, 2024 11:39:00 AM

Zeotropic refrigerant blends have become more prevalent than ever, as regulation has pushed the HVAC-R and related industries away from single-component fluids as well as popular azeotropic* blends like R-410A. But with... Continue Reading