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Glossary of Heat Exchanger Terms

Posted by Super Radiator Coils on Aug 2, 2024 1:11:32 PM

There's a litany of terms and definitions to keep straight when it comes to heat transfer and heat transfer equipment. Add in the fact that certain industries and applications may use the same term to define different things and it can get pretty confusing. For this post, we thought it'd be helpful to create a list of terms that relate to heat exchangers - their design, thermal performance, and some topics relating to how they're manufactured.

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Refrigerants Grouped by Temperature Range

Posted by Super Radiator Coils on Jul 25, 2024 9:47:41 AM

When it comes to heat exchangers, there’s a host of decisions that are impacted by application-specific factors. One such choice is the heat exchanger’s working fluid. There are dozens if not hundreds of working fluids to choose from, each with its own properties and applications with which those properties are compatible. For this article, we thought it’d be useful to create a list of some common working fluids grouped by the temperature classification in which they’re typically grouped.

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R-454B Performance vs. R-410A: Capacity & COP (WEBINAR CLIP)

Posted by Super Radiator Coils on Jun 12, 2024 3:42:54 PM

Capacity and coefficient of performance (COP) are both used to measure HVAC equipment's effectiveness, but they tell different stories. Capacity, measured in tonnage or Btu./hr., refers to a unit's ability to heat or cool a space. COP measures efficiency - the relationship between a system's performance and the cost of the electricity needed to power it. To many - especially those in the commercial HVAC market - COP is the more consequential metric due to its direct impact on the operating costs for unit manufacturers' customers.

But for OEMs that have opted for R-454B as their replacement for R-410A units, there are some interesting performance implications associated with making that switch. Specifically, R-454B typically offers better COP, but based on our recent performance testing, there are scenarios in which its capacity is less than R-410A.

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Understanding Temperature Glide in Blended Refrigerants (WEBINAR CLIP)

Posted by Super Radiator Coils on Jun 5, 2024 11:39:00 AM

Zeotropic refrigerant blends have become more prevalent than ever, as regulation has pushed the HVAC-R and related industries away from single-component fluids as well as popular azeotropic* blends like R-410A. But with zeotropic mixtures comes temperature glide, an in-depth understanding of which can help you be sure that your performance calculations are as accurate as possible when designing a unit or system.

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What is an Evaporator? Function, Features, & Design Considerations

Posted by Super Radiator Coils on May 7, 2024 9:08:04 AM

The evaporator coil is a critical part of any compression-expansion refrigeration cycle and is one of at least two heat exchangers used to capture and direct thermal energy for useful purposes in such systems. This article will cover some fundamentals of evaporator coils – their function, componentry, and some information on how to best design them to ensure proper function.

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Heat Pump Coil Selection Best Practices (VIDEO)

Posted by Super Radiator Coils on Mar 21, 2024 8:38:48 AM

Unlike standard air conditioning or heating systems, heat pumps have the ability to serve both functions. Because of that, the coil selection process for heat pumps differs somewhat from non-heat pump designs. Check out our latest video to learn more about some best practices when running heat pump coil selections in Enterprise, Super Radiator's coil selection software, so you can be sure your coils perform as needed in both heating and cooling modes.

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What is a Condenser Coil? Function, Features and Design Considerations

Posted by Super Radiator Coils on Mar 12, 2024 8:25:32 AM

In any compression-expansion refrigeration cycle, there are (at least) two heat exchangers working in tandem to condition a space, one of which is the condenser coil. In basic terms, the function of the condenser coil is to take the heat absorbed by the system’s evaporator and move it away from the space being conditioned.

In this article, we’ll expand on the condenser coil’s function, look at some typical condenser coil configurations, and finish by discussing some design considerations for common condenser applications.

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R-454B: Pros, Cons, & Comparisons to R-410A

Posted by Super Radiator Coils on Feb 19, 2024 8:36:53 AM

Our Refrigerant Focus series consists of deep dives into the history, properties, and pros and cons of some of today’s common refrigerants. This installment will focus on R-454B.


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Application Spotlight: Pollution Control Vapor Recovery

Posted by Brian Biskie, P.E. on Feb 19, 2024 8:09:08 AM

At Super Radiator Coils, our mission is unleashing the power of thermodynamics to improve our world, and when it comes to the industries and applications we support, few fit that mission better than pollution control. Heat transfer is used for a litany of pollution control functions – from condensing harmful vapors out of exhaust streams to reducing or repurposing thermal energy from industrial process emissions to lessen its impact on the environment.

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Selection Best Practices for Hot Gas Reheat Coils

Posted by Will Klick, P.E. on Feb 13, 2024 8:18:59 AM

In our last article on hot gas reheat coils, we looked at the basic function of hot gas reheat coils and some common methods used to integrate them into a system. In this article, we'll look at some best practices when running hot gas reheat coil selections within Enterprise, SRC's coil selection software. For this exercise, we used a theoretical hot gas reheat coil to explain the coil selection process for hot gas reheat coils using the hot gas and parallel condensing methods.

Because of its rarity and the likelihood that the performance requirement can be met using one of the other configurations, we have not included selection best practices for the warm liquid method. But, if you find yourself working on an application that may be well suited for that approach, feel free to contact us directly and we’d be happy to take a look.

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