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Understanding Temperature Glide in Blended Refrigerants (WEBINAR CLIP)

Posted by Super Radiator Coils on Jun 5, 2024 11:39:00 AM

Zeotropic refrigerant blends have become more prevalent than ever, as regulation has pushed the HVAC-R and related industries away from single-component fluids as well as popular azeotropic* blends like R-410A. But with zeotropic mixtures comes temperature glide, an in-depth understanding of which can help you be sure that your performance calculations are as accurate as possible when designing a unit or system.

Check out this clip from our recent webinar, "R-454B & Blended Refrigerants: Properties, Performance Modeling, & Coil Design Considerations" for some insight on temperature glide from Jian Yu, Ph.D., SRC's VP of Research & Development. He provides some more detail on what temperature glide is, how it's calculated at different operating conditions, and the practical impact it can have on system performance. 


*R-410 is technically a zeotropic mixture, but its temperature glide is negligible.

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